Saturday, June 13, 2009


Anyone who knows me knows that I'm really not keen on relationships.Why? Because they're dumb and they never workout. A guy and a girl can be friends... lots of people like to stay in touch with their friends right? but alllllll of a sudden sex gets involved in the mix, and things turn to shit. What was once a friendly phone call or text message, is now a complete annoyance...what was once fun hangout time is now a fucking chore. Pasts become issues, people start looking into the future and getting all freaked out... Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we get ourselves so deeply involved in other people, that what you once loved about them is now absolutely repulsive. Life is a game, and everyone's a player...some of them can get pretty nasty. Pink says it best in her song "Mean", it's so impossible, but so common that things quickly turn from fantastic to confusing, to over, and eventually forgotten. Whether it was a week, a few months, or a couple of years - it's all the same and its allllllll a game. But thankGOD through it all you learn //every man for himself, trust is THE worst form of hypocricy, fairytales aren't real, and if something seems too good to be true then it probably is.
I don't feel like writing today. let's be more positive tomorrow, shall we?

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